
Units of Analysis

As David Murray points out in his book Group-Randomized Trials (Oxford University Press, 1998), there's plenty of opportunity for confusion about units. There are units, observational units, assignment units, and units of analysis, among other terms. Often, these terms are used interchangeably (I do so myself), but not always.

In any study involving people, the individual is commonly thought of as the unit of analysis because we study people. However, the unit of analysis and the corresponding sample size are determined by the way the study is conducted.

Determining units of analysis and their number recalls the discussion of why measuring a single mouse 100 times is different from measuring 100 mice once each. Measurements on the same mouse are likely to be more similar than measurements made on different mice. If there is something about the way an experiment is conducted that makes it likely that some observations will be more similar than others, this must be reflected in the analysis. This is true whether the study involves diets, drugs, nutritional supplements, methods of planting, social policies, or ways of delivering service. (However, if two measurements on the same mouse were not likely to be more similar than two measurements made on different mice, then measuring a single mouse 100 times is no different from measuring 100 mice once each!)

Consider a study of 800 10th grade high school students receiving one of two treatments, A & B. Experience has shown that two students selected at random from the same class are likely to be more similar than two students selected at random from the entire school who, in turn, are likely to be more similar than two students selected at random from the entire city, who are likely to be more similar than two students selected at random from the entire state, and so on.

Here are three of the many ways to carry out the study in a particular state.

  1. Take a random sample of 800 10th grade students from all school students in the state. Randomize 400 to A and 400 to B.
  2. Take a random sample of 40 10th grade classes of 20 students each from the set of all 10th grade classes. Randomize 20 classes to A and 20 classes to B.
  3. Take a random sample of 20 schools. From each school, randomly select two classes of 20 students each. Randomize the schools into two groups with classes from the same school receiving the same treatment.

Each study involves 800 students--400 receive A and 400 receive B. However, the units of analysis are different. In the first study, the unit of analysis is the individual student. The sample size is 800. In the second study, the unit of analysis is the class. The sample size is 40. In the third study, the unit of analysis is the school. The sample size is 20.

Murray (p. 105) has an elegant way to identify the units of analysis. It is not a definition a novice can use, but it is rigorous and is the way a trained statistician decides what the units should be. A unit is the unit of analysis for an effect if and only if that effect is assessed against the variation among those units.

It's not easy to come up with a less technical definition, but most of the time the units of analysis are the smallest units that are independent of each other or the smallest units for which all possible sets are equally likely to be in the sample. In the examples presented above

  1. A random sample of students is studied. The students are independent of each other, so the student is the unit of analysis.
  2. Here, students are not independent. Students in the same class are likely to be more similar than students from different classes. Classes are independent of each other since we have a simple random sample of them, so class is the unit of analysis.
  3. Here, neither students nor classes are independent. Classes from the same school are likely to be more similar than classes from different schools. Schools are selected at random, so school is the unit of analysis.

You might think of causing trouble by asking what the unit of analysis would be in case 3 if, in each school, one class received A and the other received B, with the treatments assigned at random. The unit of analysis would still be the school, but the analysis is now effectively one of paired data because both treatments are observed in each school. In similar fashion

Pairing cuts the sample size to half of what it would have been otherwise. However, you have to measure the units twice as long/much and the analysis becomes complicated if one of the two measurements ends up missing.

Returning to study 3: If the two classes within each school were randomized to different treatments, the unit of analysis would be the school, not the class. However, the treatment effect would be compared to the variability in differences between classes within in each school. Therefore, this version of the study would probably be better able to detect a real difference than study 2, which was based on a (simple) random sample of classes.

At first glance, it seems unfair that the third study, involving hundreds of students, has a sample size equal to the number of schools. However, if there were no differences between schools or classes, the two analyses--individuals (incorrect) and schools (correct)--would give the essentially the same result. (This is the same thing as saying 100 measurements on one mouse are the same as 1 measurement on each of 100 mice if all mice react the same way.) The sample size may be small but the school means will show much less variability than class means or individual students, so the small sample size is made up for by the increase in precision.

Groups rarely respond exactly the same way, so treating the group as the unit of analysis saves us from making claims that are not justified by the data. The precision of a properly analyzed group-randomized study involving a grand total of N subjects spread out among K groups will be equal to a that of a simple random sample of somewhere between K and N individuals.

The analysis will take care of this automatically if the proper methods are used.
Copyright © 2000-2004 Gerard E. Dallal